About Us


We are Taking Small Steps to Make Earth Better Planet

Our Mission
To worship God in Spirit and truth
To preach the gospel to all nations
To foster peace, love & help to the needy and enhance community development.
Arms of Missions
African Missions
Rural Missions
Neighbourhood Evangelism
Prisons Ministry
Hospital Ministry

Our Vision:

To build a strong Christian community that carries the practical experience of the Gospel from the sanctuary outside the sanctuary.


Missions Awareness Week: Held from 19th to 26th of March; the climax was the massive free medical outreach on the 24th and 25th. Over two hundred people were attended to; a good number of them ran proper eye care and received medicated glasses.

May Neighbourhood Evangelism: This Win-A-Soul Campaign held every Saturday within Azuabie community, Port Harcourt. People were saved to the glory of God.

September Neighbourhood Evangelism: This Win-A-Soul Campaign held every Saturday within Woji Townt. People were saved to the glory of God. We will continually share the love of God and bring salvation to the ends of the earth (Acts 13:47).

Hospital Ministry: There are regular visits to hospitals in Port Harcourt such as RSUTH (former BMH), Rehoboth Hospital, Health of the Sick and many others. The aim is to visit, encourage, pray and comfort patients in the hospital. There are many testimonies emerging from these visits.

Dispensary: This has provided immeasurable quality healthcare to church members and others. Our qualified medical personnel regularly attend to children, adults and the aged; medicines that can be gotten from good pharmacies are in stock and are rightly dispensed as required.

Prisons: Port Harcourt prison has been the focus this year. We hope to fully resume visitations in Elele, Ahoada and Degema prisons as usual.